Kali ini saya akan share tentang membuat partisi micro sd di hp android . partisi micro sd ini digunakan untuk menyimpan aplikasi yang di instal (agar memori telephon lebih lega lagi). disarankan untuk menggunakan microsd yang kelas atas,agar aplikasi yang terinstal tidak force klose terus menerus...ok langsung saja ya!!
Colokin micro sd si mini pake card reader,jangan pake micro usb
Buka mini tool partition wizardnya,abis itu delete location micro sd sampe jadi unallocated
Klik kanan>create. Nah ini yg harus di buat:
Create as : primary, file system : fat32, sisakan ¼ bagian memory utk ext2
Create as : primary, file system : ext2, sisakan 100mb utk linux swap
Create as : primary, file system : linux swap, pakai 100mb sisa utk linux swap ini *untuk swap kita tidah usah menggunakan juga tidak apa2. * usahakan memori yang unlocated masih sisa
Nah klo sudah selesai dibuat seperti diatas,klik apply di pojok kanan atas
Tunggu sampai selesai
partisi anda telah jadi...
kalau masih bingung bisa lihat vidio berikut ini : ok,sekian dulu ya tutorial tentang cara mempartisi memori di android,
Welknown and also well used magicJack, the VoIP service that is offered with a USB device providing free calls for the cost of the device and a yearly fee of $19.99 to users in the U.S. and Canada. Each device purchased Magicjack or Magicjack Plus includes one year service. So the free calls is a kind of misnomer. It is also very difficult to find any pricing information at the Magicjack site easily. Positive side of this is the happy users. I have a coleague who uses Magicjack and you would not know he is calling you via a VOIP service. But the news today is that Magicjack has released an iPhone app. magicJack app came to the iTunes App Store this week and lets users make free calls to numbers in the U.S. and Canada and to other magicJack users anywhere in the world at no charge. The app works on all iDevices provided that have iOS 4.0 or higher.
magicJack is not alone in the Free VOIP calling space on the iTunes App store, it joins the likes of Skype, Viber, netTALK. Unlikewith the Magicjack devices described above, magicJack App does not require you to create an account before you can start making those free phone calls, (out going only). The App offers you the option to skip account creation and go right to the dialer shown above. By creating an account to get voicemail and a designated magicJack phone number, or information from an existing account one can receive calls through magicJack without using minutes on your cell phone plan. In the U.S. incoming calls count against your cell phone plan). I have not tried the app yet and many of those who tried praise the app and it's abilities. Many have made calls over wifi and 3G and seem to be satisfied. iTunes App Store
Publisher: Codemasters | Developer: Codemasters | Genre: Formula One Racing | Platform: PC | Size: 7.41 GB | Release Date: 2011-09-20
Description: F1 2011 is the sequel to the BAFTA winning FORMULA ONE videogame from Codemasters, the developer and publisher of award-winning racing games. Developed under Codemasters™ exclusive worldwide agreement with Formula One World Championship Limited, F1 2011 will come complete with all the officialdrivers, teams and circuits featuring in the 2011 FIA FORMULA ONE WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP.
With a new focus on multiplayer gaming, including co-op Championships and split-screen mode, F1 2011 will invite players to Be The Driver, Live the Life, Go Compete™ with a range of innovations, improvements and enhancements on and off the track. Set to be the most enthralling season yet, the 2011 FIA FORMULA ONE WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP features two new circuits in India and Germany, new drivers, rules, tyres as Sebastian Vettel seeks to defend his title.
Features: Go compete in split-screen, co-op Championships and online against 16 players plus 8 AI to simulate full 24 car grids Features all the stars, cars and circuits from the 2011 FIA FORMULA ONE WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP™ Debut ahead of the drivers at India’s Buddh circuit and take on the Nürburgring for the first time in High Definition in a FORMULA ONE game Use KERS and DRS for new attack and defence options – blast past rivals and defend your line Be the Drive, live the life – new Parc Ferme area, enhanced media interactions, new celebrations and more immerse you in the world’s most exciting sport. Race wheel-to-wheel with stars like Sebastian Vettel, Lewis Hamilton and Fernando Alonso Go from Rookie to 2011 FIA FORMULA ONE DRIVERS’ WORLD CHAMPION in career mode or take on quick fire modes including Time Attack. Features new Pirelli tires, flashback and new authentic engine damage
InstallNotes 1. Extract RARs 2. Mount or Burn image 3. Install game 4. When asked for a serial, use: 11111-11111-11111-11111-11111 5. Copy the whole content from crk dir to your install folder and overwrite existing files 6. Run the game by clicking F1_2011_Launcher.exe 7. Use an offline xlive account for saving 8. Let's race!
IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1222817/ Rating: 4.6/10 Release Date: 8 July 2011 Genre: Comedy | Family | Romance Stars: Kevin James, Rosario Dawson and Leslie Bibb
Rip (Quality): BluRay Size : 549 MB Duration :1 hour 41 min Video :1280 x 720 | Aspect Ratio: 4:3 Audio :AAC | 48000 Hz | Language :English | Subtitles :Yes
Plot :
A group of zoo animals decide to break their code of silence in order to help their lovable zoo keeper find love -- without opting to leave his current job for something more illustrious.
dengan mata yang udah 5 watt gini saya bela2in deh buatin postingan baru buat kk2 sekalian,hehe music player yg satu ini banyak banget dicari orang,karena katanya susah bgt dapet yg full version,nih sedot aja langsung kak..
Alec Saunders Joins RIM http://snapvoip.blogspot.com/
Alec Saunders, CEO and the co-founder of Iotum / Calliflower has Joined RIM as Vice President, Developer Relations for all of RIM. Mobilize me conference had him going to the heart of the matter, developers mindset, that largely affects the Blackberry development. He says that he will change the current conditions that affect BlackBerry development and developers, and I whole heartedly believe him. I really hope all the best for him in this daunting task. You can read a nice interview on Blackberry developer blog. And you can read his own blog post about the matter. If you are a tech evangelist, he is looking for some, follow the above link to the blog post to get more information.
MobileMe Outage http://snapvoip.blogspot.com/ Yesterday Apple's MobileMe had a day in the cloud, or more like a day in a cloud burst. According to MacRumors report filed earlier yesterday indicates that the outage has affected as much as 75% of the MobileMe users. Comments left by MacRumors users indicated that the outage (as high as 75% of users) was also affecting the iCloud and other related services. Apple is in the works transitioning from MobileMe to iCloud service and this could indicate that The iCloud service is more than a name change and some hardcore changes are taking place. Apple will officially announce iCloud service in October 4th, most probably with iPhone 5 announcement. The MobileMe service will continue to be available to users until June 30 2012. Macrumors Forum Apple system status
Itulah kata-kata yang paling saya sukai dalam perjuanganhidup. Kalimat tersebut sangat menyentuh perasaan saya ketika kemarin sayabersama teman-teman saya datang ke Gandaria City dan nonton film A BarefootDream di Cinema XXI. Ternyata film tersebut merupakan salah satu film yangmerupakan kisah nyata tentang impian yang terwujud serta perjuangan yang harusdilalui. Film ini juga memperlihatkan betapa dekat hubungan baik antara Negara Indonesiadengan Korea.
Sebenarnya di Cinema XXI Gandaria City Mall ini adabeberapa film yang akan ditampilkan, mulai dari film yang berjudul The Swordwith no name; Detective K; A Barefoot Dream; Harmony; The Good, The Bad, TheWeird; 71 into the fire; Finding Mr.Destiny. Namun, kemarin hari kamis, Cuma ada2 film yang lagi ditayangin, yaitu film A Barefoot Dream dan Harmony. Film ABarefoot Dream mulainya dari jam 4 sore, sedangkan film Harmony mulainya darijam 7 malam.
Walaupun harus antri dan menunggu lama, tetapi saya puasketika saya bersama teman-teman bisa nonton film tersebut sambil terharu. Dalamfilm A Barefoot Dream, dikisahkan ada seorang pria bernama Mr. Kim yangmerupakan seorang pemain sepakbola di Negara asalnya, yaitu Korea Selatan. Kimbermain sepakbola sudah lama, sejak tahun 1980an, kemudian sekarang dia sudah pensiun.
Di masa pensiunnya, Kim memilih untuk datang ke TimorLeste. Sayangnya niat Kim ini dinilai aneh oleh keluarganya, mengapa ia maudatang ke Timor Leste? Padahal di waktu itu kondisi di Timor Leste berbahayadan masih rawan konflik setelah lepas dari wilayah Negara Kesatuan RepublikIndonesia.
Tapi Kim tetap ingin datang Ke Timor Leste. Ketikasampai, Kim sempat berkunjung ke Kedutaan Besar Korea Selatan. Namun pihakKedutaan malah menganjurkan Kim untuk pulang kembali ke Seoul, Korea Selatankarena kondisi di Timor Leste masih kurang stabil pasca konflik. Kim kemudianpergi menuju Bandara untuk pulang ke kampung halamannya.
Selama perjalanan menuju bandara, Kim sempat melihat adaanak - anak Timor Leste yang sedang bermain sepakbola. Kim yang pernah menjadipemain sepakbola pun merasa terpanggil. Akhirnya Kim nggak jadi pulang keKorea, malahan Kim ingin membuat usaha dengan membangun sebuah toko olahraga. Diapikir potensi olahraga di Timor Leste lumayan bagus.
Ternyata Kim salah, toko usaha miliknya sepi sekali. MasyarakatTimor Leste lebih memilih membeli makanan dibandingkan dengan peralatanolahraga. Walaupun begitu, Kim nggak putus asa, ia pun memberikan sepatu bolakepada anak-anak Timor Leste dengan cicilan 1 dolar per hari.
Pada awalnya,anak-anak tersebut mudah membayarnya, namun beberapa hari kemudian, anak-anaktersebut mengembalikan sepatu bolanya karena mereka takut membuat orangtuamereka terbebani dengan membeli sepatu bola tersebut. Bahkan usaha Kim ini tidakdisukai oleh beberapa pemuda Timor Leste karena mereka menganggap Kim melakukanpemerasan kepada anak-anak tersebut.
Akhirnya Kim lebih memilih untuk melatih anak-anaktersebut, sepatu bolanya pun diberikan kepada mereka. Kim membentuk sebuah timsepakbola dengan anggota anak-anak. Ia pun ditantang oleh tim sepakbola laindengan anggota berusia 17 tahun keatas. Karena ketidakseimbangan tersebut, Kimkalah dan ia harus membayar kekalahan tersebut dengan 2 ekor babi.
Kim ingin balas dendam kepada mereka. Ia pun melatihdengan lebih baik lagi kepada anak-anak didiknya. Kemudian kim menantang merekauntuk bertanding sekali lagi. Di pertemuan yang kedua ini, Kim dan timnyaberhasil menang dari mereka. Kim pun dapat bangga dengan potensi anak didiknya.Ia ingin agar timnya dapat mengikuti sebuah turnamen yang sedang diadakan diJepang.
Sayangnya, masalah keuangan membuat tim tersebut memilikikendala yang cukup berat. Kim dan timnya mencari dana untuk pergi ke Jepang,tapi ketika lagi mencari dana, tiba-tiba terjadi kerusuhan di Timor Leste.Pihak Kedutaan Besar menyuruh Kim untuk pulang ke kampung halamannya sampaikondisi di Timor Leste stabil.
Kemudian Kim terpaksa untuk kembali pulang ke kampunghalamannya. Namun ketika berada di Bandara, Kim mendapat kabar bahwa salah satuanak didiknya ditangkap karena mencuri. Kemudian Kim kembali membatalkan niatnyauntuk pulang, ia bersikeras untuk berada di Timor Leste. Kim memberikan uangkepada korban pencurian tersebut dan ia memohon agar anak tuntutan terhadap didiknyatersebut dibatalkan.
Setelah itu, seluruh anak didiknya berkumpul. Mereka memohonkepada Kim agar tetap bersama mereka dan melatihnya. Di sini perasaan sayakembali luluh, gimana nggak? Coba aja kita bayangin dan kalo mau nonton sendiriperjuangan mereka ditambah banyaknya masalah yang menghadang. Hingga akhirnyamereka mendapatkan dana dari sponsor untuk berangkat ke Jepang.
Dengan perasaan senang dan bersyukur, Kim dan timnyadapat pergi ke Jepang. Mereka mengikuti turnamen tersebut. Kini kemampuanmereka harus dipertunjukkan kepada dunia dan mereka harus sungguh-sungguhbermain sepakbola demi perjuangan mereka selama ini.
A Barefoot Dream islesson for our life. No matter how many trouble in front of us, but we mustwalk through it. The important thing is don't stop believing our hopes anddreams. There can be miracles, when you believe. Though hope frail. Who knowswhat miracles we can achieve. When you believe, somehow you will get themiracles. Don't stop believing.
IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1598778/ Rating: 7.3/10 Release Date: 9 September 2011 Genre: Drama | Sci-Fi | Thriller Stars: Matt Damon, Kate Winslet and Jude Law
Rip (Quality): TS Size : 400 MB Duration :1 Hour 41 Min Video :720 x 384 | Aspect Ratio: 4:3 Audio :AAC | 48000 Hz | Language :English | Subtitles :Yes
Plot : Soon after her return from a business trip to Hong Kong, Beth Emhoff dies from what is a flu or some other type of infection. Her young son dies a few days later. Her husband Mitch however seems immune. Thus begins the spread of a deadly infection. For doctors and administrators at the U.S. Center for Disease Control, several days pass before anyone realizes the extent or gravity of this new infection. They must first identify the type of virus in question and then find a means of combating it, a process that will likely take several months. As the contagion spreads to millions of people worldwide, societal order begins to break down as people panic.
IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1133985/ Rating: 6.1/10 Release Date: 17 June 2011 Genre: Action | Crime | Sci-Fi Stars: Ryan Reynolds, Blake Lively and Peter Sarsgaard
Rip (Quality): DVDRip Size : 450 MB Duration :1 Hour 54 Min Video :640 x 272 | Aspect Ratio: 4:3 Audio :AAC | 48000 Hz | Language :English | Subtitles :Yes
Plot : A cocky test pilot, Hal Jordan ('Ryan Reynolds' ), acquires superhuman powers when he is chosen by "the Ring", the willpower-fed source of power, of the Green Lantern Intergalactic Corps. He, reluctantly at first, takes on the challenges these superheroes face. Putting his self-doubts aside, and spurred on by his sense of duty and love for his beautiful, intellectually equal, colleague, Carol Ferris (Blake Lively), he is soon called to defend mankind from Parallax, a super-powerful being who feeds on fear. He is the universe's last chance, as many Lanterns have been killed and the Corps is weakened. And he might just be the right Lantern for the job of keeping the world safe from harm. Based on the characters of DC Comics series "Green Lantern".
Description: With crime lord Charles Jericho now on the loose San Francisco faces a terrible threat. Only one man can stand against him. He has driven the streets of a hundred cities, spent his whole life putting criminals behind bars. But to take Jericho down, there can be no turning back, and he knows that this may very well be his last ride. His name is John Tanner. He is the Driver.
System Requirements:
OS: Windows XP/Vista/7
CPU: 3 GHz Intel Pentium D or 2.2 GHz AMD Athlon64 X2 4400+
RAM: 1 GB Windows XP / 2 GB Windows Vista - Windows 7
GFX: 256 MB DirectX 9.0c-compliant card with Shader Model 4.0 or higher
IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1734587/ Rating: Release Date: 2011 Genre: Drama Stars: Essence Atkins, Christian Keyes and Lamman Rucker
Rip (Quality): DVDScr Size : 925 MB Duration :1 Hour 30 Min Video :640 x 368 | Aspect Ratio: 4:3 Audio :AAC | 48000 Hz | Language :English | Subtitles :Yes
Plot : 30-year-old Lance is marrying Michelle the girl of his dreams, and his closest buddies, Trey,Reny and Akeem are throwing him a bachelor party. What starts out as an innocent evening of fun and frolic quickly turns bitter when tempers flare, vendettas are revealed, painful memories surface friendships are tested and love is measured by lies