Thursday, March 31, 2011

Transgender = geeks?

"I've always wondered why so many transsexual/transgender people are geeky. I see them all the time at the Rennaisance fairs, cosplay conventions, etc I've seen a few fb profiles and they all seem to be into rpgs, manga, and stuff like that.

I am not judging them. I just wonder why so many are into the stuff?" --- thats what my friends asking during our late night discussion about metropolis life style lately.---

on my opinion may be it's just because when they were younger they weren't able to interact with the 3D world in a way that made any sense to them. As a result many became introverted and developed interests in things that didn't require much human interaction. For a lot of those folks that mean computers, computer science and other geeky fields. Also cyberspace allowed an individual to be themselves without fear of judegment. One example: Transsexual women were able to role-play as female characters in games, something they couldn't do in real life until they later transitioned. Many MtF trans people are like this to escape from their issues in real life. when they play a video game, or read a book with a female protagonist, it's easy to simply imagine their self as a cisgendered or biological woman. When you cosplay at a convention, It is again escapism. It's an easy way to have fun and express your gender identity without facing persecution from others.

When considering this question I believe the best place to start would be defining what he mean by so many. Does this reference mean 5, 10, 20, just how many equals so many. How many transgendered individuals does he know and what percentage is that number compared to the amount of transgendered MTF individuals that exist in this country. Thus is the so called large number of Transgendered individuals that he may know or encounter really add up to a sum that should be considered so many.

The next step in considering this question would be discussing why he just decided to single out MTF transgendered individuals who like manga, renaissance fairs, RPGs and the like. I do not believe that transgendered individuals are disproportionately represented in these areas. Certainly one finds many more individuals who consider their gender identity to coincide with their biological body at these events and engaged in these activities than one finds MTF transgendered individuals.

Thus the proper question to ask would be why anyone finds these activities exciting and stimulation. To that question you may receive a plethora of answers from people of all different backgrounds. So attempting to single out a specific group of individuals in an attempt to develop and move forward some type of lame stereotype is useless and appears as exactly what it is just noise.

and just to answered that sensitive topic I just gave him this answer:
"Who knows why anyone likes that stuff? It's just their scene I guess. When you're trans you like to escape from reality a lot because life hurts so f*cking much. I turned to drugs instead of the fantasy stuff. Much more effective" 



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