Thursday, March 10, 2011

Dutch Grab 300,000 Sony Playstations While Sony Grabs Your IP Addresses Via Geohot Case. No Rootkits Needed This Time!

Sony prevailed over LG and the PlayStation seizure order has been lifted (Damn)

Dutch Grab Sony Playstations While Sony Grabs Your IP Addresses.
In the news today is that Dutch Customs have confiscated 300,000 playstation 3's and I hope they will hold them for ever as in the Goehot case (Hotz vs SONY) the judge has granted SONY rights to get all IP addresses of everyone who visited Goehot's site. I wonder how these people become judges. Because it is not wise. Since the news broke out about the case I think I have visited to get information about the case and so have millions of others. According to Wired;
"Bluehost maintains Hotz's site. The approved subpoena requires the company to turn over 'documents reproducing all server logs, IP address logs, account information, account access records and application or registration forms' tied to Hotz's hosting. The Bluehost subpoena also demands 'any other identifying information corresponding to persons or computers who have accessed or downloaded files hosted using your service and associated' with the website, including but not limited to the ' file.'"

How about people who visited the site to get information about the case and people who visited to get information about iPhone Jailbreak, which is legal.
What is worse is that the same judge granted subpoenas to Hotz's account, Twitter account and YouTube account. The YouTube account contains a video called "Jailbroken PS3 3.55 with Homebrew," and Sony has managed to convince the judge to grant the company access to the IP addresses of anyone who watched the video or posted comments on the video.
I think Judge is setting a bad precedent with this case but the good thing about is that there are many people who visited those sites and so will be the size of backlash. If the way Geohot raised money for the SONY case is any evidence, it will be pretty strong. One thing is sure, Sony has Microsoft IP address as well;

I really hope LG wins in the patent case and hope those 300,000 PS3 consoles seized by Dutch get thrown in to Rotterdam harbor! :), Oops that will be a ecological disaster.
I think we did not learn enough with Sony Rootkits. I will tattoo "No Sony" on my brain, Perhaps a LG TV to replace my current one!
Wired via Time

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