Saturday, May 14, 2011

A Usability Test : Android VS iOS, Android Wins

Android VS iOS

I came across a very nice article about usability test conducted to find out if iOS or Android got what it takes to be useful in day to day use. The test was conducted by Jacob who is usability geek at has conducted a usability test to determine if all the shouts about Android being sub par to iOS usability experience.
The author himself is a iOS user and have not used an Android device. So not believing hyped up or biased reports, he conducted a test using two particular question types, an A/B test and a preference test.
The A/B test, the test taker is presented with either image A or B (but not both) to test the interaction;
"When looking at the results you get a fair comparison between A and B, and thus have a fair idea of how the two different designs or interfaces compare. It’s easy to judge which interface is the winner if it takes users a lot longer to interact with one than the other, or if they frequently select the wrong location or button for a simple task."
The preference test on the other hand the test taker gets two images, designed or interfaces, side by side. But Jacob, in this test has obscured the status bar to avoid test takers from selecting personal or preconceived preferences.

The test and results;
"For each of the apps in the test, I tried to think of a very simple, common task that people might be trying to perform. If it works out that people take roughly the same amount of time to complete each task, or it works out that there is a huge difference between the two platforms or even from app to app, then we can start to form some judgments about what is going right or wrong, and which platform is more or less usable"

The final result is Android 9 and iOS 7.5. as of now.(Hooray, I use both Android and iOS devices)

You need to visit the post by Jacob to see the results and even take the test and add your your results tot he test. So it might be better to take the test before you read the article. I did.

Take the test yourself

The article about the test and results.

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